ぶれすと元宮ほいくえん English circle time May ★5月英語のサークルタイム

It’s the middle of spring and it’s time to learn some new English words and phrases!
The themes for this month are “Clothing” and “Body Parts.”
Jump class is trying their best to remember all the new words!

Later, Hop, Step and Jump classes all tried to learn together. They all did a great job!

Everyone is concentrated on the song “This is the way.” It must be very interesting…
みんな「This is the way」という歌に集中していましたよ。とても面白かったのでしょうね。

Everyone is enjoying singing and acting out one of our favourite songs “Open Shut Them.”
それからみんな大好きな「Open Shut Them」の歌をうたったり、振りをして動いて楽しみましたよ。

We all love to “Go Bananas.”
「Go Banana」はみんなが大好き!
